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Money Back Guarantee
Refundable products covered by the 30-day money back guarantee
This 30-day Money Back Guarantee applies only to software that installs locally on your computers or servers, and while the software is still running on a temporary license.   
If you are not fully satisfied with the IMSXpress software, just notify us that you don't want to continue using the software, for any reason, and we will immediately refund your money. You must request the refund within 30 days from purchase. 
The IMSXpress software is sold out-of-the-box with a temporary license that needs to be registered within 30 days. During this period, and while the software is running on the temporary license, you can just stop using the software and get a refund. You don't have to ship anything back to us. Just send us an email asking for a refund and we will give you your money back right away. No questions asked.
Nonrefundable products
Subscription payments for On-line software and SQL Data Hosting service are not refundable. To discontinue these subscriptions and services please notify us two weeks before your current term expires. We will then close your accounts and stop billing you for the service.

'Content' products that come in MS Word or PDF files -- specifically: MS Word template documentations, MS Word audit checklists, PDF training materials, and PDF books -- are not refundable.