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There are three types of licenses for IMSXpress:
  • Full User account license 
  • Basic User account license 
  • Offline Trainee license 
Full User account licenses are for establishing System Admin or Module Admin accounts, and for log-in accounts that can be configured to access any module with any combination of roles and permissions, such as Edit, Delete, Sign, Authorize, etc., as well as document editing and document viewing permissions. Anyone who creates new, or edits existing documents; sets up and administrates training programs; or signs documents/records for approval/authorization/Certification must have a Full User account. Full users are included in the training system and can self e-train in their personal Training Center.

Basic User account licenses are for establishing user log-in accounts for non management personnel. Basic users cannot be administrators; cannot approve/authorize/certify documents and records; do not have electronic signatures; and cannot access the Document Control and Training modules. Basic users are included in the training system and can self e-train in their Training Center.

Offline Trainee licenses are for personnel who do not use computers but need to be included in the training system. These licenses provide all the benefits and automation of the training system except for self e-training in the Training Center (unnecessary because these employees don't use computers). With Offline Trainee licenses you can assign employees to documents and training programs, schedule their training, get notified when the training is due, sign off (certify) their training, and automatically create individual employee-specific training records. You can also certify these employees to job descriptions and positions. Offline Trainee license cannot be used to create personal log-in accounts.

You need a Full or Basic license for every person for whom you want to set up a log-in account. It does not matter whether the users are actually accessing the system concurrently, or not -- These are not concurrent use licenses. Instead, the number of licenses you have determines how many log-in accounts you can set up on the system. You can recycle your licenses. If you no longer need an account for a user, just deactivate the account and the license will automatically become available for setting up a new account in its place.

All employees who need to be trained must be covered by a Full, Basic, or Offline Trainee license; and those who need to e-train in their personal Training Center must have a Full or Basic license.